Pathway to Peace Weekend Recovery Workshop

Based on the Bible Study "Forgiven and Set Free" by Linda Cochran

This Workshop is for all women who have had an abortion and seek
God's healing power to be truly forgiven and set free. Join us on a
Scripture-based pathway to peace with other women who can identify
with many of your conflicting emotions. We rely on God's grace
through the Holy Spirit as we journey together in a safe and
confidential environment through a time of deep healing.

NEXT WORKSHOP: April 11-14, 2024

WHERE: Location will be at a private home, for confidential reasons this address will be given to you closer to the date of the recovery weekend.

TIME: Starts Thursday night at 6:30 pm (introductions) Friday - Saturday all day sessions    Sunday will end after lunch

COST: There will be no cost for the sessions

FOOD: Will be provided for all sessions


Please contact Teresa Reaume (Director) at 928-692-1301 for more information.